
ZLIB Open Source


Blender 3D Full Stack Torrent Based SDK
Create online 3D Games, Apps, websites, servers and entire worlds!

Compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS targeting all devices ranging from desktop, web browsers, mobile phones, and game consoles!


Feb - 6 - 2025



3.3 - 4.3

Release Candidate



The live chat is currently reserved for supporters - click here!

posted in Timeline

On the morning of the 24th we hear about a Global Game Jam right in our side of town here in Cosenza Calabria by our friends at Blender Italia so of course we had to head down there and see whos making games!

Yesterday the winners were announced and it was a group of programmers who did not use any fancy big tech engine like Unreal OR Unity but instead hand coded their great game concept in Java and used the microphone audio as the controller! You can find the game jam here!!!

It was a team group event so we jumped in the mix and picked up the players that were left out of the other team drafts! Our name was "The Renegades" coined by our lead graphic designer and youngest member "TheVector"! Our lead programmer Gabriele had only used blender once or twice before so it was our chance to show him what were working with in Blender. He picked up the SDK and within 30 minutes he was already prototyping the mechanics for our project telling me what we needed to do in no time!

You can check out our game jam entry here and you can play the game directly in the browser at https://leenkx.com/archive/rise_of_blorbs/game/index.html

We will be making a tutorial soon on the game files and who knows, maybe we will actually make a 2.0 and turn it into a real game!!!!




BlenderCon 2024

8:30 am -8:30 am